Changeset [17247eac8a78f8b36dcc3b9684a3e4ec8da32a23] by Bryan Larsen

November 16th, 2009 @ 04:11 PM

[#530 state:resolved]

This is the fix for bug 530. The fix is in the hobo_user_model
template, so you will have to run

script/generate hobo_user_model User --invite-only


rake hobo:run_standard_generators

or you can patch app/models/user.rb from

validates_confirmation_of :password, :if => "User.count == 0"


def new_password_required_with_invite_only?
  new_password_required_without_invite_only? || User.count==0
alias_method_chain :new_password_required?, :invite_only

Committed by Bryan Larsen

  • M hobo/lib/hobo/user.rb
  • M hobo/rails_generators/hobo_user_model/templates/model.rb
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